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Get information on which selected drugs are most likely to work for you. Covering some of the most commonly prescribed medications.

US $ 750.oo


DIPHARMA is the study of how genetic factors influence the way a person responds to medications. PGx combines the study of pharmacology (study of how drugs work in the body) and genomics (study of genes and their functions). PGx is now being used to help physicians select safe and effective medications for their patients based on their unique genetic makeup.

There are certain genes that contain instructions to build proteins called enzymes. These enzymes are involved in the breakdown of many drugs in the body, mainly in the liver. People have different versions of these genes that produce enzymes with different levels of activity (for example, slow, normal or fast). As a result, people may vary in the speed or speed with which they break down and eliminate drugs from their bodies, and this may influence the proper functioning of a medication or the risk of side effects for that person.

Mental health

Your personalized report of mental health medications gives you and your doctor useful information about how your body processes certain antidepressants, antipsychotics, and more. This may influence future prescription choices.


Having to take pain medication is not a laughing matter. Find out if your pain medication is right for you. Your personalized pain medication report gives you and your doctor useful information about how your body processes certain anti-inflammatories, opioids, and other medications. This information can help you discover the most appropriate pain medication, in the right dose, minimizing side effects.

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Discover how your body is likely to respond to the prescribed medications. Your personalized cardiovascular medication report gives you and your doctor useful information about how your body processes certain cholesterol-lowering medications, beta-blockers, and other heart medications. This information can keep you healthy by making sure your medication works as planned.


Do not burn because of reflux. Your personalized gastrointestinal medication report gives you and your doctor useful information about how your body processes certain reflux medications and more.

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US $ 750.oo

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